These are some resources I have found helpful in order to be well informed about COVID-19.
This video explains how coronavirus affects your body and how easily it is transmitted. Click the button to access the YouTube video. This is an important video for all family members. The graphics are super easy to understand.
Proper hand washing. Short and easy to understand video.
This site from Johns Hopkins University tracks data from the world and the U.S.
This site is similar to Johns Hopkins University but was developed by a teenager. You can support his efforts buy donating. See the tab at the top that says "Buy me a coffee." I bought him three, one for each of my family members.
Reno Gazette Journal - Map tracking Coronavirus
This site is the US Food and Drug talking about food safety and COVID-19.
Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen explains how to disinfect your groceries. I have set up a table in my garage to disinfect my groceries.
Information from the CDC about disinfecting. Scroll down for more information.
COVID-19 testing in Nevada. These are not necessarily all results from Nevada residents.
Consumer Reports information with lots of links to different articles regarding Coronavirus.